St. Thomaskirche in Weiz

The St. Thomaskirche is the oldest preserved structure, emblem and heraldic figure of the city. Romanic at its core, the church was dedicated to Saint Thomas Becket of Canterbury in the year 1188.

Due to Turkish attacks, a fortified tabor was constructed around the church in the 16th century with gates, round towers, a curtain wall and moat. At the end of the 17th century, the fortifications were taken down and a residence was built instead. The courtyard of the tabor on the south side of the church holds impressive witnesses of Roman settlement in Weiz. Late antiquity gravestones date back to the 1st - 2nd century.

The interior of the church surprises you with partly well preserved Romanic and Gothic frescoes – episodes from the history of creation, the passion of Christ and the story of Mary. Lost parts of the frescoes were replaced and existing sections renovated in 1933 by the Weizer artist Fritz Silberbauer. The Baroque high altar draws the viewer’s gaze to the altarpiece painted by J. A. Ritter von Mölck in 1771. It depicts the oldest preserved view of the Weiz marketplace.

Church services:
Sunday: 9:15 am and 7:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 8:00 am
Friday: 7:00 pm

Taborkirche Weiz

Hauptplatz 18
8160 Weiz
Phone: 0043 (0)3172 / 23 19 660
E-Mail: tourismus (at) weiz. at

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