Steirischer Mariazeller Weg with the hiking stages

The Steirischer Mariazeller Weg is the classic per se. This trail divides at the Schanzsattel near Fischbach, with 2 different routes leading to Mariazell.

The Mariazeller Weg (long-distance hiking trail 06) reaches the Almenland at Arzberg and leads along the Raab via Passail to Hohenau/Raab. Then it rises steeply to the “Ochsenhalt” and continues to the Sommeralm. Past the wind turbine, the trail leads to Strassegg. Here one simply has to visit the legendary pilgrim’s inn “Strosseggwirt”. Rudi Pretterhofer lives for “his” pilgrims and never lets them move on without playing them a farewell tune. There is a meadow filled with crosses uphill from the inn, placed there in remembrance by pilgrim groups! Heading towards the Schanzsattel, the trail now leads out of the Almenland again.

Distance: 226,7 km
Total rise: 7768 m
Come down: 7963 m
Duration: 80 h
Deepest point: 333 m
Highest Point: 1480 m

Section: Soboth - Eibiswald

On the border Styria-Slowenia

Tour details:
Length: 18,3 km
Total rise down: 1.217 m
Total rise up: 537 m

Worth seeing:

  • Jakobihaus Soboth
  • Ölpresse Fürpaß
  • Weitwandermuseum Eibiswald

Section: Eibiswald - Deutschlandsberg

In the land of castles

Tour details:
Length: 25,0 km
Total rise down: 942 m
Total rise up: 936 m

Worth seeing:

  • Castle Limberg
  • Moorbad Schwanberg
  • Castle Deutschlandsberg

    Section: Deutschlandsberg - Stainz

    Through the home of the "Schilcher" wine

    Tour details:
    Length: 16,2 km
    Total rise down: 393 m
    Total rise up: 365 m

    Worth seeing:

    • Castle Wildbach
    • Trinkhalle Bad Gams
    • Castle Stainz

      Section: Stainz - Söding

      From lovers to wedding churches

      Tour details:
      Length: 15,4 km
      Total rise down: 295 m
      Total rise up: 300 m

      Worth seeing:

      • Pfarrkirche St. Stefan ob Stainz
      • Storchennest Mooskirchen
      • Pfarrkirche Söding

        Section: Söding - Graz

        Enjoy the capital city of indulgence

        Tour details:
        Length: 25,9 km
        Total rise down: 577 m
        Total rise up: 617 m

        Worth seeing:

        • Rudolfswarte / Buchkogel
        • Schloss Eggenberg
        • UNESCO Welterbe Altstadt  mit Grazer Schlossberg

          Section: Graz - Passail

          Pass the Schöckl to Passail

          Tour details:
          Length: 33,7 km
          Total rise down: 1.149 m
          Total rise up: 1.446 m

          Worth seeing:

          • Basilika Mariatrost
          • Kalvarienberg St. Radegund
          • Schöckl

            Section: Passail - Fischbach/Schanz

            Throught one of Europe's largest alpine regions

            Tour details:
            Length: 31,0 km
            Total rise down: 836 m
            Total rise up: 1.360 m

            Worth seeing:

            • Pflanzenparadies Hohenauer Ochsenhalt
            • Wetterkreuz Sommeralm
            • Ausblick Schanzsattel

              From Fischbach, there are two possibilities:

              Variation A

              Route: Fischbach/Schanz - Hohe Veitsch

              Tour details:
              Length: 35,8 km
              Total rise down: 1.347 m
              Total rise up: 1.594 m

              Wort seeing:

              • Teufelstein
              • Pilgerpark Mitterdorf
              • Pilgerkreuz Veitsch

              Route: Hohe Veitsch - Mariazell

              Tour details:
              Length: 27,6 km
              Total rise down: 1.355 m
              Total rise up: 818 m

              Worth seeing:


              • Wetterinalm
              • Erster Blick auf Mariazell
              • Basilika Mariazell

                Variation B

                Route: Fischbach/Schanz - Krieglach

                Tour details:
                Length: 20,9 km
                Total rise down: 1.161 m
                Total rise up: 593 m

                Worth seeing:

                • Peter Roseggers Geburtshaus
                • Waldschule und Österreichisches Wandermuseum
                • Landhaus mit Roseggermuseum

                Route: Krieglach - Mürzsteg

                Tour details:
                Length: 25,9 km
                Total rise down: 1.122 m
                Total rise up: 1.329 m

                Worth seeing:

                • Veitschbachtörl
                • Schoberstein
                • Jagdschloss Mürzsteg

                Route: Mürzsteg - Mariazell

                Tour details:
                Length: 21,9 km
                Total rise down: 705 m
                Total rise up: 766 m

                Worth seeing:

                • Buchalpenkreuz
                • Mooshuben
                • Basilika Mariazell

                  Styria Tourism

                  St.-Peter-Hauptstraße 243
                  8042 Graz
                  Phone: 0043 (0)316/4003
                  E-Mail: info (at) pilern. info
