Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Geschäftsstelle Naturpark Almenland
Fladnitz 100
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Telefon: 0043 (0)3179 / 23000-0
Fax: 0043 (0)3179 / 23000-20
E-Mail: info@almenland.at
Web: www.almenland.at
Holiday houses & apartments
Individual holidays
Enjoy time as a couple or with the whole family in a well-furnished summer residence or holiday home. There is something to suit every taste, from modern houses to rustic cabins on the alps. Rest and relaxation are guaranteed in a quiet location with grandiose views that will gladden your heart. Perfect for the whole family, most cabins also permit pets. Enjoy your individual holiday, answering to nobody and tied to nothing.