Chocolate, Pralines & Ginger Bread

Immerse yourself in the sweet world of pralines

Almenland pralines – Claudia’s sweet workshop

Almenland pralines that are worth sinning for. Filled with the finest ingredients and sweetened exclusively with honey. Made lovingly by hand, one piece at a time.
The challenge in making pralines by hand lies in handling the materials carefully with the skill of an artisan.

Claudia Schellnegger

Lindenbergweg 39
8162 Passail
Phone: 0043 (0)664 / 32 02 803
E-Mail: claudia (at)

Almenland Gingerbread

For the Almenland Gingerbread only regional components are being used. The high amount of honey and the bonus added mead makes the gingerbread uncomparable and to something very special.

Karl Kreiner

Lindenbergweg 39
8162 Passail
Telefon: 0043 3179/23788
Mobil: 0043 676/5049280
E-Mail: office (at)

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