Tourismusverband Oststeiermark
Geschäftsstelle Naturpark Almenland
Fladnitz 100
8163 Fladnitz/Teichalm
Telefon: 0043 (0)3179 / 23000-0
Fax: 0043 (0)3179 / 23000-20
E-Mail: info@almenland.at
Web: www.almenland.at
Styrian Nature Parks
The 7 styrian nature parks
The seven Styrian nature parks represent the most beautiful cultural landscapes in Styria - characteristic and ecologically valuable cultural landscapes, such as vineyards, alpine pastures, wooded ponds and river areas or orchard hilly landscapes and are committed to the conscious coexistence of people and nature. The Styrian state government has placed it under special protection and awarded it the title “nature park”.
Nature Park Styria
The Styrian Nature Park is the committee of all seven Styrian nature parks. This is where current topics are dealt with, programs are made and projects are developed with the nature educators, the nature park schools, the nature park partners and the farmers.
Stadlob 129
8812 Mariahof
Telefon: 0043 664/8321337
E-Mail: naturparke (at) steiermark. com
Web: www.naturparke-steiermark.at
Nature works
The current brochure accompanies you through all nature parks in Styria. A variety of excursion destinations, experiences and host businesses await your visit. Have fun browsing.
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In recent years, the Styrian Nature Parks have focused on the topics of “nature conservation and biodiversity”. Raising awareness is the core area of the nature park's work. This also resulted in the printed “nature conservation magazine”.
The core themes are derived from the cultural landscape priorities of the seven nature park regions:
- Alpine meadows & wild herbs (Almenland Nature Park)
- Forest & Wildlife (Mürzer Oberland Nature Park)
- Orchards (Pöllauer Tal Nature Park)
- High alpine survivalists (Sölktäler Nature Park)
- Gorges & Wild Waters (Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature Park)
- Vineyards & floodplain landscapes (South Styria Nature Park)
- Reading nature in the moor (Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen Nature Park)
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Nature park Pöllauer Tal
Schloss 1
8225 Pöllau bei Hartberg
Phone: 0043 3335/4210
E-Mail: info (at) naturpark-poellauertal. at
Web: www.naturpark-poellauertal.at
Nature park Mürzer Oberland
Hauptplatz 9
8692 Neuberg an der Mürz
Phone: 0043 3857/8321
E-Mail: tourismus (at) muerzeroberland. at
Web: www.muerzeroberland.at
Nature park Zirbitzkogel-Grebenzen
Hauptplatz 4
8820 Neumarkt
Phone: 0043 3584/2005
E-Mail: info (at) naturpark-grebenzen. at
Web: www.natura.at
Nature park Sölktäler
Stein an der Enns 107
8961 Sölk
Phone: 0043 3685/20903
E-Mail: office (at) soelktaeler. at
Web: www.soelktaeler.at
Nature and geo park Steirische Eisenwurzen
Markt 35
8911 Admont
Phone: 0043 3632/7714
Mobil: 0043 664/88656410
E-Mail: naturpark (at) eisenwurzen. com
Web: www.eisenwurzen.com
Nature park Südsteiermark
Grottenhof 1
8430 Leibnitz
Phone: 0043 3452/71305
E-Mail: office (at) naturpark-suedsteiermark. at
Web: www.naturpark-suedsteiermark.at
Styria Nature Conservation Academy
The Styrian Nature Conservation Academy is the educational institution operating throughout Styria on the topics and current issues of nature conservation and the cultural landscape.
Stein an der Enns 107
8961 Sölk
Phone: 0043 676/9668378
E-Mail: kontakt@naturschutzakademie.com
Web: www.naturschutzakademie.at
Association of Austrian Nature Parks
Here you can find out interesting facts about the 48 Austrian nature parks, as well as about the VNÖ, its tasks and projects.
Alberstraße 10
8010 Graz
Phone: 0043 316/31884899
E-Mail: office (at) naturparke. at
Web: www.naturparke.at
AMS Styria
The AMS supports the ST:WUK project and the nature parks financially.
Telefon: 0043 810/600612
Web: www.ams.at