Bus & Train

easy and fast!

We are pleased if guests want to travel with the public transport network in the nature park Almenland. The easiest and quickest way to find the right connection is to enter your desired data on the linked lines website:

to the website

All connections by bus, train and tram in Austria can be queried by entering places and / or addresses, stops or important points. 

Furthermore, we have selected the most important bus connections: 

Frohnleiten - Fladnitz - Passail

Bus number 216

to the map


Weiz - Passail - Fladnitz

Bus number 206 

to the map

Weiz - St. Kathrein/Offenegg - Brandlucken - Heilbrunn - Sommeralm - Teichalm

Bus number 205  

to the map

Bruck/Mur - Mixnitz - Breitenau - Sommeralm

Bus number 167 

to the map

Graz - Weiz - Koglhof - Birkfeld - Ratten

Bus numbers 200 / 201

  • Buses Graz - Weiz
  • Express-buses Graz - Weiz
  • Buses Weiz - Birkfeld - Ratten

to the map Graz - Weiz

to the map Weiz - Birkfeld - Ratten


Birkfeld - Gasen - Strassegg

Bus number 234

to the map